Aunty Jeanette Jamespalawa necklace, 2023black crow and green maireener shells76 cm (approx overall length)SoldView more info
Aunty Jeanette Jamespalawa necklace, 2023black crow and green maireener shells184 cm (approx overall length) average shell size 1.2 cmSoldView more info
Aunty Jeanette Jamespalawa necklace - kurina (eaglehawk), 2023wedge-tail eagle claws, echidna quills and echidna claw on kangaroo sinew72cm (overall length)SoldView more info
Aunty Jeanette Jamespalawa necklace - trimanya krakani ta (echidna at rest), 2023echidna quills, kangaroo sinew and echidna claw57 cm (diameter)SoldView more info
Aunty Jeanette Jamespalawa necklace, 2020black crow and penguin shell172cm (overall length)AU$ 3,800.00View more info