We are one of the only peoples in the world stringing shells like this, so I think it is quite definitive of Tasmanian Aboriginal people. It is incredibly important to me personally and to our Community at large, whether you are practicing shell stringing or not.
Ashlee is a shell stringer from the Northwest coast of Tasmania. Ashlee has been creating shell necklaces for around fifteen years years and learnt this treasured practice through a cultural rejuvenation project. Ashlee has been mentored by many of the great stringers including Aunty Jeanette James, Auntie Corrie Fullard, Aunty Lola Greeno and Aunty Dulcie Greeno. Ashlee loves representing her people through this ancient cultural practice and looks forward to the day when she can strengthen her connection through passing this knowledge on to her young daughter. Ashlee's works have been collected privately both nationally and internationally, and are held in the collections of the Department of Justice and the Art Gallery of South Australia.